WATS Annual Crash Report
The WATS crash report is updated annually to include information on traffic crashes, fatalities, and serious injuries in Washtenaw County with data from the previous year.
The 2019 report has been modified to include 5-year crash trends for fatal and serious injury crashes, and evaluates five new crash factors. The report includes:
General crash trends,
Crash types and severity,
Non-motorized crashes,
Impaired driving crashes,
Intersection and roundabout crashes,
Lane departure crashes,
Speeding related crashes,
Crashes involving older (65+) and young (16-24) drivers,
Deer crashes,
Vehicle types, and
Seasonal variation in crashes.
Note that due to time frame of obtaining data from Michigan State Police, who must quality control and anonymize the data, the crash report is published several months after the new year.
WATS Crash Reports