Complete Streets Plan 

Complete Streets are designed and operated to allow all users of the transportation system, including bicyclists, public transportation vehicles and riders, freight and automobile traffic, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities to fully utilize the roadway. Complete Streets are context sensitive, allowing for bike lanes, automobile parking and pedestrian facilities in urban settings while recognizing the need for connected wide, paved shoulders in rural setting to accommodate both bicycles and farm equipment.

In 2011, WATS complete its Complete Streets Plan for Washtenaw County.  The Plan discusses the reasons and benefits to employ a Complete Streets approach to transportation planning in Washtenaw County, listing priority needs with potential treatment options.  The Plan outlines implementation approaches using various funding sources. The Plan also offers a Complete Streets checklist for communities use as they plan their future transportation system and support a sense of place.

Read the Complete Streets Plan

To supplement the Complete Streets plan, WATS developed a Complete Streets Toolkit to help policymakers find potential treatments to address needs.  The toolkit is only a guide, the expertise of an Engineer is necessary to make recommendations to address specific needs. The toolkit provides potential options that non‐engineers can use to begin the planning process when looking to address a need.

Steering Committee Minutes

The Complete Streets Steering Committee met to direct the development of the plan.  The minutes from the meetings can be downloaded at the links below.