Ann Arbor/Ypsi Graded High in New Livability Report

Reconnecting America, a national nonprofit that advises civic and community leaders on how to overcome development challenges, recently released a report, called Are We There Yet, which assesses whether communities have made the critical investments needed to strengthen the nation's economy.  The report measures then grades communities based on four quality of life indicators: Living, Working, Moving, and Thriving. 
  • The Living grades show how regions are doing on creating housing choices that are equitable and accessible to people with a variety of needs.
  • The Working grades show how regions are doing on creating jobs in the places where people of all incomes can access them and improve their opportuni­ties.
  • The Moving grades show how regions are doing on creating safe and accessible transportation choices in our communities.
  • The Thriving grades show how regions are doing on creating opportunities for safe, fun, and healthy lifestyles through access to parks, healthy food, etc.
The Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti Region scored well on this report, earning A's in the Working and Thriving categories, and B's in Living and Moving.  View the full report or just the grades on Reconnecting America's website.