Farewell Suzann!

After eight years, Suzann Flowers will be leaving Washtenaw Area Transportation Study.  We have been honored to work with Suzann.  She brings an enthusiasm and pride to carrying out civic work that makes her an excellent co-worker, role model, and public servant.  

While at WATS Suzann spearheaded our efforts into tactical urbanism, institutionalized our non-motorized count program, made various in-roads into WATS public involvement efforts, and helped usher in changes to the administration of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) that guaranteed implementation of numerous transportation improvements. 

Suzann will be working at the City of Ann Arbor to help implement their vision zero plan.  And while we are very excited for Suzann to begin this new chapter of her professional career, we are sad to lose a great planner and a loyal friend.

Good luck… Suzann