Chelsea POP - A Tactical Urbanism Project, IS BACK!!!

In partnership with the Chelsea Transportation Working Group, we are excited to share improvements on select neighborhood streets have been redeployed. Temporary street improvements include temporary speed cushions, crosswalks painted with school district colors, and bike lane delineators. These improvements can be found on Van Buren St., Washington St., and Freer Rd.

Bike delineators on Freer Rd.

What is Tactical Urbanism?

Tactical urbanism includes low-cost, temporary changes to the built environment intended to improve local neighborhoods and public spaces. These short-term street design projects are community-led, evaluated and permitted by city agencies, rooted in city goals, and in accordance with local, state, and national street design guidelines.

crosswalk painted with school district colors on Freer Rd.

Have you seen or used any of these street improvements? How was your experience? Comment down below.

More information can be found at