What's WATS?

I’ve worked for the Washtenaw Area Transportation Study for 18 years, and for 18 years I’ve struggled to explain to my friends and family what WATS is and why the agency’s responsibilities are so important.  My 30-second elevator speech has changed a lot over the years but there are two things that consistently rise to the top; getting funding to local communities, and opening up access to the decision-making process.  I’d like to briefly touch on those two points today.

WATS ensures the flow of funds from the federal government to local communities

More often than not, the people I talk to are most interested in which projects will get done, and whether or not their road will be repaired.  Through partnerships with local, regional, state, and the federal government, WATS maintains the eligibility of local agencies to receive federal funds for transportation improvements.  Whether it be a new sidewalk or lighted trail, purchase of a new bus or repaving a road, we ensure the smooth flow of funds from our leaders at the federal government to our local implementing agencies.  Without WATS, millions of dollars per year could be lost.  Along with our partners, we are proud to work each day to ensure funding can flow to your community so you don’t have to worry.  

We open up the decision making process to you!

The transportation planning and decision-making process is complex and full of bureaucracy.  Tens of millions of YOUR dollars are spent on transportation projects in Washtenaw County each year and we think it is important you understand where those dollars are being spent.  We strive to open up this process to you as much as we can, something that has become particularly challenging lately with  COVID-19.  We hope that this blog, along with our in-person meetings and social media will help you stay informed.

Here are some links to help you stay informed:

While you may not have heard of WATS yet, I urge you to check out our website at miwats.org and get involved!  If you’re able, I hope you’ll join us for one of our meetings. If you have any questions we are only a phone call away.